The attendance office is located in the Administration building. Parents should report student absences by calling (559) 626-5900. The number is available 24 hours a day. All students MUST be signed-out through the attendance office when leaving campus prior to the end of the school day.
Daily attendance in school is very important for continued academic growth and the meeting of graduation requirements. When students are not in school every day they can quickly fall behind in their schoolwork. However, OCHS does not encourage students to come to school when they are ill. Verification of your student’s absence is always needed to determine whether an absence is excused, unexcused or a truancy. Also, if it is necessary for your student to seek medical attention, we strongly urge you to schedule appointments AFTER school hours if at all possible. Any extenuating circumstances regarding attendance will be referred to the learning director. Parents will be notified daily of any absence/tardy by telephone.
The Importance of Attendance
Attendance Office
Attendance Clerk
Albertina Loera
School Office Hours
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
(559) 626-5900