Provide free technical skills training in an area of study and/or industry sector
Connect high school to college, industry certifications and/or careers
Meet four years higher education a-g requirements (a-g)
Provide an industry-approved certification that can be used for direct employment
(A) and/or Dual (D) enrollment with community colleges (earning high school and college credit)
What is a CTE Pathway?
A sequence of two or more CTE courses within a student’s area of career interest. Designed to connect high school classes to college, industry certifications, and/or a career.
Pathways may consist of only one course (equal time and work as a two-course pathway, 1 year completion (1Y)).
What makes a CTE Pathway Completer?
Completion of all courses in the pathway
Grades for all semesters of each course in the pathway must be a C or better (C- will not be accepted)